Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Very expensive chocolate

Today my friend Melissa paid a visit to Cocoa Dulce during her lunch hour, the epitome of high-end chocolate in Wichita.

I gave her some money and asked her to bring me a sample of their caramel chocolates, since those are the ones I typically like.

As they cost $54 a pound (yes, you read that right), needless to say, she only brought back a few.

Clockwise from top right: burnt caramel,
gray salt caramel, hazelnut and Tahitian vanilla.

They're good, but I'm not sure if I'd say they were $54 per pound good!

1 comment:

Janette said...

WHAT?? That is insane haha! I love caramel chocolates -- but I'm with you -- not for that price :)