Tuesday, February 5, 2008


My friend Janis and I braved the blizzard and went to caucus for Hillary Clinton tonight.

We headed to Newman University, where we were met with a large line and confusing instructions.

We were basically asked to choose our candidate (Hillary or Barack), then we were separated into two rooms.

There were two people who were supporters of John Edwards and nine undecided voters. The crowd in Hillary's room tried to rally them to their side, but they ultimately ended up going with Barack.

Here are the undecideds on their way to Barack's room

There were apparently 309 people caucusing for Hillary and 500 for Barack.

I was undecided when I got to the caucus and chose to vote for Hillary, although I was secretly hoping Barack would win.

I must say, although I'm glad I went, it was rather unexciting.


Denise said...

Maria, this sounds totally... surreal. I'm not sure whether to be happy or sad that we weren't allowed to caucus. I just like to say caucus. Caucus caucus caucus caucus.

jenny said...

Maria, the one in hv. county was incredibly exciting! The speeches and the energy were amazing. We had 625 Obama and 205 for Hillary... not too shabby for hv. co.

Maria said...

For those of you who missed out, I'm not sure you missed much. It looks much more exciting on TV.