My kids often ask for cereal because of the toy on the box, but I've told them you have to mail away for toys because they don't put them in the box for free anymore.
Casey, as you may know, loves SpongeBob. One day a few months ago, he saw a SpongeBob reading timer on a box of Smore's cereal. I think it times you while you read a book. Casey begged me to let him buy the cereal and mail away for the timer. I did and it finally arrived today in the mail.

When he opened it, he was sooo excited. Here's the discussion that followed...
Brett: Is this the best day of your life?
Casey: Well...almost.
There is an episode of SpongeBob where he and his friend, Patrick, mail away for a toy and wait months and months for it to arrive. When it finally arrives, they play with it for about five minutes and it breaks. Let's hope that doesn't happen to us!