Friday, January 18, 2008

Great-grandma Sylvia

Dan's grandmother, Sylvia, passed away this morning at the ripe old age of 94.

This is one of my favorite photos of her. It was taken on her 90th birthday when Brett was three or four.

She loved her great-grandchildren. We always had to caution her about not picking them up because they were too heavy for her, but she never listened. She really was the quintessential Jewish grandmother—always fussing over all her grandchildren and great-grandchildren.

She had a great sense of humor and a great heart. She will be sorely missed.


Janette said...

We are sorry to hear about your loss!

Linda said...

So sorry to hear about Dan's grandmother...94 is a good long life, but you are never ready to let them go!

Lori said...

my condolensces also. that's a wonderful photo, and i'm sure you have many great memories.

Unknown said...

Sorry about your grandmother, Dan. I'm sure she left the boys with some great memories.

Chris said...

My condolences as well on the loss of Dan's grandma.

Unknown said...

Dan, I'm so sorry about your grandmother.

jenny said...

Rest in peace Grandma Sylvia. 94 years is quite a legacy. Thoughts and prayers.