Sunday, January 6, 2008


Over the Christmas break, the boys began really showing an interest in doing chores to get an allowance.

After negotiating the allowance of $5 per week, (Casey thought $4 per day was fair), I assigned them a few chores and we made a chart for the refrigerator where we could keep track. I was especially impressed when they even made their beds, without being asked, on school days when it's really hard to get them out of bed.

Last Friday was the end of the first week, and the boys kept their end of the bargain.

Tonight, they received their first payment, and boy were they happy!

Pay day!


chitknit said...

What?! You didn't give them two of those giant commemorative cardboard checks?

Linda said...

I think it's great they did all their chores their first week!

Chris said...

They made their beds without being asked to?!?! You need to up their allowance immediately and then send them over to my house!

jenny said...

What's with Brett getting ones and Casey getting a five...are you playing favorites here?! That is super cool and something I should have done a long time again with Quinn.