Tuesday, October 9, 2007

I love the library!

I have to give a shout out to my co-worker, Laura, who turned me on to a unique service our local library offers.

You can request a book and have it shipped to your local branch of the library for a measley 25 cents. I'm even talking about brand new books.

I've already requested the new biography of Katie Couric, which is pretty gossipy, and another book that my friend Chris recommended called "What Remains." It's the story of a woman whose husband was best friends with John Kennedy Jr. and how she got through the deaths of JFK Jr. and his wife Carolyn Bessette-Kennedy, only to lose her husband to cancer three weeks later.

I haven't done much pleasure reading in the past few years, but I'm really starting to get back into it. I don't think I'm ready for a book club, but I'm getting there. :)


Chris said...

You'll be ready for a book club in no time!

Janette said...

Yep -- I love using that feature. I too have Katie Couric's book reserved...as well as one other one. We'll have to make our on book club after reading Katie's book haha!

Linda said...

The library continues to save me money. I used to buy books all the times, but I've been reserving them for a quarter at the library for a while now. In fact, I have 9 books on hold right now! Can you tell I'm a voracious reader?

Lori said...

I rediscovered the library a couple of years ago. It was wonderful to be able to search the shelves for a leisure read instead of reference books for college papers!