Wednesday, August 13, 2008


I've been staying up late most nights watching the Olympics. I love the swimming and gymnastics so far.

I thought it was really sad that the US women's gymnastics team choked last night. I also thought it was cruel that the cameraman for NBC insisted on focusing on the gymnast whose flubs cost the team the gold medal. When she left the floor you could tell she was really fighting back the tears, but because she knew she was on TV, she wouldn't let herself break down.

These aren't professional athletes used to the spotlight like Brett Favre or Kobe Bryant. Give them a break.

1 comment:

Olá sou Adrielle, mãe, mineira, casada e apaixonada pela vida. said...

Adorei, achei muito interessante!
visite meu blog.

Beijos e abraços!