Monday, March 17, 2008

Another book I highly recommend

I know this might be a little embarrassing to admit, but I just finished Tori Spelling's autobiography, and I have to say, it was really good.

If you watched 90210, you know she was ditzy Donna. But in real life, she was a rich girl who didn't want to live in a fancy mansion, just to have a normal family life.

She goes into great detail about her troubled relationship with her mother (yes, even rich people have issues), and how she chose the wrong guys for years. One of which actually gambled away her entire 90210 salary.

It may not be book club material, but I really liked it.


Unknown said...

I liked it too, I know her and she is one crazy gal!

Anonymous said...

i've read it before. it's pretty interesting.

Chris said...

Have you ever seen "Inn Love: Tori & Dean" on TV? I think it's on Bravo or something like that. She is a total crack-up! Her husband isn't too bad on the eyes, either.

Maria said...

No I haven't seen the show. The digital cable is in the basement family room where Dan records his shows and I never make it down there!